Cyber Security Checkup for Home or Business


Are you worried about the security of your home or office IT systems?
Computing Australia offer a cyber security checkup service to help put your mind at ease.

Our audits are based on the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential 8, a series of guidelines to help assess the integrity of your IT systems.

The Essential 8 includes:

  • Application control
  • Patch applications
  • Configure Microsoft Office macro settings
  • User application hardening
  • Restrict administrative privileges
  • Patch operating systems
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Regular backups

The CA approach takes all the mystery and worry out of knowing how ready your systems are to resist and repel external hackers.

Choose this product to start your journey to cyber security and peace of mind.

An experienced consultant will attend your home or office to undertake a comprehensive review of your security posture.
You get a comprehensive review / audit of your IT setup, directly referencing the Essential Eight.

We will present you with a detailed report and recommendations of what steps you can take to improve your security and gain full compliance with the Essential Eight standards. *

* The fee for services covers your initial audit. If we find any areas of concern that require additional remediation work, this will be quoted separately.